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Dopamine is 50% estrogen, 50% testosterone. It creates a beautiful blend of newfound freedumbs, finding yourself, ins and outs of love, and the struggle to find your place in a hell bent society while not wanting to conform. The music is hard to categorize, but if you listen carefully, a mosaic of influences can be deciphered.

Scott's unique hard drumming style is without a doubt the backbone of the band. With amazing fills and rolls that make you swear he has four arms, blended with a bass drum sound (no, that's not a double kick) that fuels the fire, Scott's drumming is definitely the glue that the whole band sniffs!

Dave's soul lies somewhere within the six strings of his prized Jagstang guitar. With breath stopping riffs that range from, "teenage angst" to "this is where I go to cry", to "hey this sounds radio friendly", Dave blends his own feelings and experiences with his influences and an absolute brand of talent to make the guitar in dopamine a complete style of it's own.

Jennifer Harding hits the bass with a collage of talent and emotions. The sound glistens almost as much as her eyes when her whole structure becomes enthralled with the sound bursting from her baby bass. Love for music and creating it perfectly is definitely only a few of the qualities that make Jennifer stand out as a bassist.

Jennifer Collins is a Pisces.

-Rolling Stone Magazine 2003

White Trash Edition