- INSTRUMENT: Bass, guitar.
- ICQ: 48800957
- E-MAIL: xjenedgex@hotmail.com
- BIRTHDAY: September 24.
- WHAT PISSES YOU OFF: Ignorant people with their heads stuck in their asses. "I'm better than you because I do 'blah blah and so on." !
- PASSIONS: Alex, music, life, writing, creativity. Trying to figure out who I am. Also helping and caring for others well being.
- FAVORITE FOOD: I'd have to say sunday dinner for number one: Potatoes, corn, carrots, gravy, etc. Then follows poutine and spicy chicken w/garlic.(And the TV Dinner i'm eating now).
- INFLUENCES: Jeremy Kiehl is my influence. Without him, i'd never be where I am today.
- SCHOOL: Graduated from PWC.
- AMBITIONS: My drive in life is people.
- MOTTO: If you can't be yourself you are wasting your time. If people don't like you for who you really are they shouldn't be a friend of yours in the first place. Don't act a certain way to fit into a group because those people will only like you for the fake person - not you. Alot of people around here should take that advice.
- FAVORITE CANDY: Cherry Blasters!
- FAVORITE ESCAPE: I like a nice hot bubble bath with a book to get away from everything. In the summer i'll go for long walks or to my favorite place in the woods near the ocean. Its beautiful.